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3 Types Of Roof Underlayment To Consider

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When it comes to protecting your home from the elements, your roof plays a crucial role. But beneath those beautiful shingles lies another essential layer: the roof underlayment. In this guide, we’ll explore three types of roof underlayment that homeowners should consider to ensure their roofs are sturdy, watertight, and built to last. From traditional asphalt felt to high-tech synthetic materials, we’ll break down the options so you can make an informed decision for your home.

Inside this blog:

  • An overview of roof underlayment
  • 3 key types of roof underlayment + their features

Keep reading to learn about the 3 primary types of roof underlayment and see which one will suit your next roofing project the best!

🔨 Understanding Roof Underlayment

Before we dive into the different types of roof underlayment, let’s take a moment to appreciate its importance. Roof underlayment provides an extra layer of protection between your roof deck and the shingles above.

Here’s why it’s essential:

  • Waterproofing: Roof underlayment acts as a waterproof barrier, preventing water from seeping into your home and causing damage to the roof deck and interior spaces.
  • Enhanced Durability: By adding an extra layer of protection, roof underlayment helps extend the lifespan of your roof by shielding it from moisture, UV rays, and other environmental hazards.
  • Peace of Mind: Knowing that your roof is backed by a reliable underlayment can give you peace of mind, especially during severe weather events like storms or heavy rainfall.

Now that we understand the importance of roof underlayment, let’s explore 3 common types to consider for your home.

1. Asphalt Felt (Tar Paper)

If you’re looking for a reliable and budget-friendly option, asphalt felt, also known as tar paper, is the way to go. This traditional roofing underlayment has been used for decades and continues to be a popular choice for homeowners and contractors alike.

Here’s what you need to know about asphalt felt:


Asphalt felt is crafted from a simple yet sturdy recipe, combining a base material—typically organic fibers or fiberglass—with a generous dose of asphalt. Here’s how it all comes together:

  • Base Material: At the heart of asphalt felt lies its base material, which can be either organic fibers, like cellulose or wood pulp, or fiberglass strands.
  • Asphalt Saturation: The base material is saturated with asphalt, a sticky, black substance that acts as a barrier against water penetration. This asphalt saturation ensures that asphalt felt can withstand the elements.


This tried-and-true underlayment offers a host of benefits that make it a popular choice among homeowners and contractors alike. Here’s what makes asphalt felt stand out from the crowd:

  • Affordability: Asphalt felt is easy on the wallet, making it an attractive option for budget-conscious homeowners looking to protect their roofs without breaking the bank.
  • Availability: You won’t have to search far and wide to find asphalt felt—it’s readily available at most home improvement stores and roofing supply outlets, making it a convenient choice for roofing projects of all sizes.


While asphalt felt offers plenty of benefits, it’s essential to weigh the pros and cons before making your decision.

Here are some key considerations to keep in mind:

  • Durability: While asphalt felt provides decent waterproofing and protection, it may not hold up as well over time compared to synthetic alternatives like synthetic underlayment.
  • Longevity: Asphalt felt has a respectable lifespan, but it may not last as long as synthetic underlayment, especially in harsh climates or extreme weather conditions.
  • Maintenance Needs: Like any roofing material, asphalt felt requires proper maintenance to ensure its effectiveness over time. Regular inspections and repairs can help prolong the lifespan of asphalt felt and prevent water damage to your roof deck and interior spaces.

2. Synthetic Underlayment

For homeowners seeking a more durable and advanced option, synthetic underlayment is the way to go. Made from high-tech materials like polyethylene or polypropylene, synthetic underlayment offers several advantages over traditional asphalt felt.

Enhanced Performance

When it comes to standing up to the elements, synthetic underlayment is the undisputed champion! This high-tech material is engineered to deliver top-notch performance, even in the face of Mother Nature’s most ferocious tantrums. Here’s why synthetic underlayment outshines asphalt felt when it comes to durability and resilience:

  • Tearing Resistance: Synthetic underlayment is incredibly tough and resistant to tearing, ensuring that it holds up under pressure, even during severe storms or high winds.
  • Wrinkle Prevention: Synthetic underlayment maintains its smooth, flat surface even in extreme temperatures, preventing potential water infiltration and ensuring a tight seal against your roof deck.
  • UV Protection: With its UV-resistant properties, synthetic underlayment maintains its integrity and performance over time, providing long-lasting protection for your home.


This lightweight material is a game-changer when it comes to roofing installation, making the process quicker, easier, and more manageable for contractors.

Here’s why lightweight synthetic underlayment is the preferred choice for roofing projects:

  • Faster Installation: Its lightweight nature speeds up the installation process, allowing contractors to work more efficiently and complete roofing projects in less time.
  • Reduced Labor Costs: Because synthetic underlayment is easier to handle and install, contractors can often complete roofing projects with fewer laborers, saving you money on labor costs without compromising quality or performance.


When it comes to protecting your home, longevity matters—and synthetic underlayment delivers! This durable material is engineered to withstand the test of time, providing reliable protection for your roof for years to come.

Here’s why synthetic underlayment is the gold standard when it comes to longevity:

  • Extended Lifespan: Synthetic underlayment typically has a longer lifespan than asphalt felt, thanks to its superior durability and resistance to wear and tear.
  • Reliable Protection: Whether it’s rain, snow, wind, or hail, synthetic underlayment stands strong, providing dependable protection year after year.
  • Peace of Mind: With its extended lifespan and reliable performance, synthetic underlayment offers peace of mind that your home is well-protected against water damage, leaks, and other roofing woes.

3. Rubberized Asphalt Underlayment

For homeowners in regions with particularly harsh climates or extreme weather conditions, rubberized asphalt underlayment is the ultimate defender against the elements. This premium underlayment offers unmatched durability and waterproofing capabilities, making it an excellent choice for the following reasons:

Severe Weather Protection

This heavy-duty underlayment is specially designed to withstand the harshest elements, providing unparalleled protection against the wrath of severe weather conditions.

Here’s why it’s the ultimate defender:

  • High Wind Resistance: With its strong, flexible composition, rubberized asphalt underlayment can stand up to high winds without tearing or lifting, keeping your roof securely protected even during the fiercest storms.
  • Waterproof Barrier: Rubberized asphalt forms a tight seal against your roof deck, preventing water infiltration and keeping your home dry and cozy, even in the midst of a downpour.


The innovative self-adhesive feature not only simplifies the installation process but also ensures a watertight seal that minimizes the risk of leaks and water damage.

Here’s why self-adhesive rubberized asphalt underlayment is the go-to choice for hassle-free installation:

  • Simple Application: No need for special tools or equipment—simply peel off the backing and stick the underlayment in place. It’s quick, easy, and requires minimal effort, saving you time and labor costs during installation.
  • Watertight Seal: The self-adhesive backing creates a seamless, waterproof barrier that adheres tightly to your roof deck, eliminating gaps and vulnerabilities where water could seep through.

Noise Reduction

This advanced underlayment not only provides superior weather protection but also acts as a sound barrier, reducing noise transmission from external sources like rain, hail, and wind.

Here’s how it creates a more serene indoor atmosphere:

  • Sound Absorption: Rubberized asphalt underlayment absorbs and dampens sound vibrations, preventing them from penetrating into your home’s interior.
  • Enhanced Comfort: By minimizing outside noise, rubberized asphalt underlayment helps create a more relaxing and enjoyable indoor environment.
  • Improved Sleep Quality: For light sleepers or those living in noisy environments, the noise-reducing properties of rubberized asphalt underlayment can make a significant difference in sleep quality.

Choose Wisely for a Stronger Roof

When it comes to selecting the right roof underlayment for your home, there’s no one-size-fits-all solution. Each type of underlayment has its own set of benefits and considerations, so it’s essential to weigh your options carefully and choose the option that best fits your budget, climate, and performance needs.

Contact our expert contractors at Level Edge today and we’ll ensure your next roofing project goes off without a hitch. We’re passionate about delivering top quality roofs so you can have a protected home and peace of mind. Get in touch with us today and we’ll answer any questions you have about your roof!

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Level Edge Construction



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